PTA Program Overview

Upon completion of the following requirements, Stanbridge University will confer the Associate of Science in Physical Therapist Assistant degree:

119 Quarter Credit Hours/$488.70 tuition rate per quarter credit hour

The approximate time to complete the program will vary according to the start and end dates of a cohort and ranges from 20-21 months, including holidays and breaks.

This program is offered in Irvine and Alhambra.

Quarter Hours of Credit:  minimum 119 quarter hours of credit.

Scholarship requirements:  a final GPA of 2.0 for all units attempted at Stanbridge University is required to graduate. A minimum grade of C or ≥75% in each theory course, ≥ 80% in each lab course, and passing of all clinical education courses are also required to graduate.

Course Number and Title Didactic Hours Lab HoursClinical HoursTotal Credit HoursEligible for Credit Transfer
PTA 1001 Introduction to PTA*10101.5No
PTA 1002 Pathology*363.5No
PTA 1003 Documentation*2042No
PTA 1102 Term 2 Review221.5No
PTA 1004 Kinesiology*22122.5No
PTA 1005 Therapeutic Exercise I3121 4No
PTA 1006 Procedures*20283No
PTA 1007 PTA Practice I*12121.5No
PTA 2001 PTA Lab I483No
PTA 1103 Term 3 Review221.5No
PTA 1008 Therapeutic Measurement and Testing*14282.5No
PTA 1009 Modalities*1218 2No
PTA 1010 Therapeutic Exercise II31.522.54No
PTA 1011 PT Through the Lifecycle*2715 3No
PTA 2002 PTA Lab II483No
PTA 1104 Term 4 Review221.5No
PTA 1012 Neurologic Interventions I10101.5No
PTA 1013 Electrotherapy12121.5No
PTA 1014 Orthopedic Interventions I10101.5No
PTA 2003 PTA Lab III241.5No
PTA 2010 Practicum1606No
PTA 1105 Term 5 Review121No
PTA 1015 Neurologic Interventions II31224No
PTA 1016 Orthopedic Interventions II23223No
PTA 1017 PTA Practice II27223.5No
PTA 2004 PTA Lab IV483No
PTA 1106 Term 6 Review221.5No
PTA 1018 Professional Issues*181.5No
PTA 2030 Affiliation I2409No
PTA 1107 Program Review I*242No
PTA 2040 Affiliation II2409No
PTA 1108 Program Review II*504.5No
SCI 1010 Human Anatomy I24273.5No
COM 1050 Fundamentals of Public Speaking**303Yes
SCI 1020 Physiology**303Yes
MATH 1040 Elementary Statistics**303Yes
PSY 1010 Introduction to Psychology**303Yes
SCI 1015 Human Anatomy II24273.5No
ENG 1005 Introduction to Written Communication**303Yes
SOC 1030 Social Trends and Issues**303Yes

* Blended course
** Online course

Standard Occupational Classification (SOC): 31-2021
Employment/Job Title: Physical Therapist Assistants