
Stanbridge University’s grading policy is as follows:

  • Students must pass all the courses within a program in order to graduate (or complete their studies).
  • Students who withdraw will receive a grade of “W” for courses in progress.
  • Enrolled students who do not complete a course on time will temporarily receive an “incomplete” on the transcript, which will be changed to the appropriate grade once the course is complete. Incomplete grades must be cleared by the agreed upon deadline, or within twenty-one (21) days, or the grade will be converted to an “F” and the student will be dismissed.
  • Diploma, associate, and bachelor’s degree students must have a cumulative grade point average of C (2.0) or above in order to graduate. Master’s degree students must have a GPA of 3.0 in order to graduate.
  • Late submission of assignments, projects and papers will result in grade reductions as outlined in course syllabi.
  • Students may review grades for courses by logging in to the Learning Management System and viewing gradebook or transcript.

Distance Education

The university provides distance education via its Learning Management System, Edverum, in synchronous and asynchronous formats. All distance education course assignments are to be submitted via the online classroom. Grades for assignments are posted in the course gradebook within 3 working days after the assignment due date. Large written assignments, such as essays, research papers, and thesis works, may be graded within the instructional week following the assignment due date, or as otherwise specified.

Qualitative Measure of Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)

Grade Meaning Grade-Point Value
A+ 97% – 100% 4
A 93% – 96% 4
A- 90% – 92% 3.7
B+ 87% – 89% 3.3
B 83% – 86% 3
B- 80% – 82% 2.7
C+ 77% – 79% 2.3
C 75% – 76% 2
C- 70% – 74% 1.7
D+ 67% – 69% 1.3
D 65% – 66% 1
D- 60% – 64% 0.7
F 59% and below 0
PASS Satisfactory Performance 4
FAIL Unsatisfactory Performance 0
In Progress Course in progress 0
Incomplete Course not completed Not included in GPA
W Withdrawal Not included in GPA
XFR Transfer of Credit Not included in GPA