Safety and Security

Campus Safety and Security

Stanbridge University is committed to campus safety and security. The university conducts routine maintenance checks of its facilities to ensure conditions are safe, which includes the inspection of structures, fire safety, alarm systems, lighting, handrails, equpiment, and the surrounding property.

The university’s campuses are located in professional buildings, which may provide public access to other tenant businesses and their visitors.  The normal exercise of personal awareness of surroundings in any public area is recommended while on campus during daylight and evening hours. Faculty, staff, students, and visitors are encouraged to report any instances of inadequate conditions to facilities management.

Off-Site Security during Clinical Education Experiences

When participating in a clinical education experience, faculty and students are instructred to follow the facility-specific emergency action plan.  This includes the safety measures that are in place, whether in the form of reporting to a security guard or calling 911. Faculty and student are oriented by a facility designee on the policies and procedures related to safety and security at that facility.

Reporting of Police, Fire, and Medical Emergencies

The health and safety of faculty, staff, and students is the university’s primary concern. The university recognizes the critical importance of being prepared in the event of a significant emergency requiring a police, fire, or medical response. If such an emergency is experienced, individuals should immediately call 911. University offices and classrooms are equipped with phones and emergency procedures are posted throughout the campuses.

Reporting of Criminal Activity

Stanbridge University requires that all criminal activity be reported to its administration and, in most instances, to the local police agency.  In the event that any student, faculty, or staff witnesses or becomes a victim of criminal activity on the campus of Stanbridge University, including the clinical facilities attended by students in any program, or any activity in which students are engaged at off-campus locations of student activity officially recognized by the university, student, faculty, or staff must immediately notify the administration of Stanbridge University, and a written report must be filed by the end of the next business day with the Office of the President.  Responsibility for filing the written report lies with the person(s) in charge of the premises or the function involved.  The Office of the President, or designee, will report the criminal activity to the appropriate police agency in cases when the victim desires to file but has not yet filed a report.

In consultation with other appropriate administrative personnel, the Office of the President will determine any next steps necessary to investigate the criminal activity and to take any steps toward disciplinary action warranted against an employee or student of the university.  The Office of the President, or designee, will also issue a formal report to all appropriate persons involved.  With incidents of criminal activity where internal disciplinary action is taken against the offender, Stanbridge University reserves the right to disclose to the alleged victims the result of such disciplinary action.  This action will be taken at the discretion of the Office of the President.

Stanbridge University does not have its own campus law enforcement or security department.  Administrative and faculty personnel have enforcement authority with regard to all school policies and procedures, work closely with state and local law enforcement agencies in the reporting of criminal activity, and encourage accurate and prompt reporting of all crimes to appropriate police agencies.

Confidential Reporting Procedures

If you are the victim of a crime and do not want to pursue action within the university’s system or the criminal justice system, you may still want to consider making a confidential report for the annual security report of the university.  With your permission, the Office of the President, or designee, can file a report on the details of the incident without revealing your identity.  The purpose of a confidential report is to comply with your wish to keep the matter confidential while taking steps to ensure the future safety of yourself and others.  With such information, the university can keep an accurate record of the number of incidents involving students, faculty, or staff; determine where there is a pattern of crime with regard to a particular location, method, or assailant; and alert the campus community to potential danger. Reports filed in this manner are counted and disclosed in the annual crime statistics of the university.  Please click on the following link to learn more about campus security policies and crime statistics at Stanbridge University Annual Security Report.

Stanbridge University’s Emergency Preparedness Plan is available upon request.