OTA Program Overview

Upon completion of the following requirements, Stanbridge University will confer the Associate of Occupational Science in Occupational Therapy Assistant degree:

112.5 Quarter Credit Hours/$522.84 tuition rate per quarter credit hour

The approximate time to complete the program will vary according to the start and end dates of a cohort and ranges from 22 – 23 months for full time and 29 – 30 months for part-time, including holidays and breaks.

Scholarship requirements: a final GPA of 2.0 for all units attempted at Stanbridge University is required to graduate.

All academic policies and procedures in this catalog for the Associate of Occupational Science in Occupational Therapy Assistant program are in effect for the Irvine Campus and the Los Angeles, Alhambra Branch Campus.

Course Number and Title Didactic HoursLab HoursClinical HoursTotal Credit HoursEligible for Credit Transfer
OTA 1000 OTA Foundations45004.5Yes
OTA 1001 Terminology^45004.5Yes
OTA 1002 Occupational Life-Span Development^45004.5Yes
OTA 1003 Disease Conditions^42004Yes
OTA 1004 Mental Health Basics^45004.5Yes
OTA 1005 Movement Anatomy45004.5Yes
OTA 1005L Movement Anatomy Lab03001.5Yes
OTA 1006 Fundamentals of OTA Practice42004No
OTA 1007 Physical Dysfunction I42004Yes
OTA 1008 Physical Dysfunction II42004Yes
OTA 1009 Pediatric OT42004Yes
OTA 1010 Psychosocial Dysfunction42004Yes
OTA 2001 OTA Lab I05603.5No
OTA 2002 OTA Lab II05603.5No
OTA 2003 OTA Lab III05603.5No
OTA 2010 First Level I Fieldwork00401No
OTA 2020 Second Level I Fieldwork00401No
OTA 2030 First Level II Fieldwork0032010.5No
OTA 2040 Second Level II Fieldwork0032010.5No
OTA 2050 Competencies141402No
OTA 2060 End of Program Review56004.5No
OTA 1011 Documentation^48004.5Yes
ENG 1030 Effective Professional English**35003.5Yes
HUM 1030 The Socio-Cultural Experience**40004Yes
CIS 1006 Computer Applications**40003.5No
SCI 1021 Anatomy and Physiology60006Yes
SCI 1021L Anatomy and Physiology Lab06003Yes

* Blended course
** Online course
^ May be online or on ground

Standard Occupational Classification (SOC): 31-2011
Employment/Job Title: Occupational Therapy Assistants