MSOT Program Overview

Upon completion of the following requirements, Stanbridge University will confer the Master of Science in Occupational Therapy degree:

117 Quarter Credit Hours/$921.88 tuition rate per quarter credit hour

The approximate time to complete the program will vary according to the start and end dates of a cohort and ranges from 26 – 27 months, including holidays and breaks.

This program is offered in Irvine, Alhambra, and Riverside.

Master’s degree students must achieve a cumulative GPA of 3.0 in order to graduate.  Only those graduate level courses in which a student earns the equivalent of a 2.0 or better may be applied toward the total number of credits required for graduation.  In addition, students in the Master of Science in Occupational Therapy program must achieve a passing grade in all fieldwork experiences.


Course Number and Title Didactic HoursLab Clock HoursClinical HoursTotal Credit HoursEligible for Credit Transfer 
OT 5008 Human Anatomy15 1.5No
OT 5008 Human Anatomy Lab140.5No
OT 5010 Foundations of Occupational Therapy*3628 5No
OT 5012 Clinical Conditions in Occupational Therapy**43 4No
OT 5003 Applied Neuroscience and Occupations43 4No
OT 5004 Psychosocial Foundations of Practice*5035 6.5No
OT 5011 Analysis and Assessment of Functional Human Movement4335 6No
OT 5013 Occupations of Adults57 5.5No
OT 5013L Occupations of Adults Lab422No
OT 5014 Research Methods in Occupational Therapy*46.5 4.5No
OT 5016 Master Thesis I*32.5 3No
OT 5000 Level IA Fieldwork 401No
OT 5100 Cultural Humility in Occupational Therapy*33.5 3No
OT 5101 Community Program Development**33.5 3No
OT 5017 Master Thesis II*32.5 3No
OT 5001 Level IB Fieldwork 401No
OT 5007 Gerontology*40 4No
OT 5103 Leadership, Health Policy, and Management**40 4No
OT 5104 Ethics of Health Care**33.5 3No
OT 5105 Occupations of Children and Adolescents 57 5.5No
OT 5105 Occupations of Children and Adolescents Lab351.5No
OT 5050 Clinical Reasoning & Documentation in OT*33.53No
OT 5200 Professional Development & Education in OT**39 3.5No
OT 5002 Level IC Fieldwork 401No
OT 5020 Advanced Occupational Therapy Skills1428 2No
OT 5030 Fieldwork Skills Review*36 2No
OT 5040 Level IIA Fieldwork 48016No
OT 5041 Level IIB Fieldwork 48016No
OT 5500 Review and Exit Exam34 2No

* Blended course
** Online course

Standard Occupational Classification (SOC): 29-1122
Employment/Job Title: Occupational Therapists
Term 1
OT 5008Human AnatomyOT 5008Human Anatomy
OT 5008LHuman Anatomy LabOT 5008LHuman Anatomy Lab
OT 5010Foundations of Occupational TherapyOT 5010Foundations of Occupational Therapy
OT 5010LFoundations of Occupational Therapy LabOT 5010LFoundations of Occupational Therapy Lab
OT 5003Applied Neuroscience and OccupationsOT 5003Applied Neuroscience and Occupations
OT 5012Clinical Conditions in Occupational TherapyOT 5012Clinical Conditions in Occupational Therapy
OT 5104Ethics of Health CareOT 5104Ethics of Health Care
Term 2
OT 5011Analysis and Assessment of Functional Human MovementOT 5011Analysis and Assessment of Functional Human Movement
OT 5011LAnalysis and Assessment of Functional Human Movement LabOT 5011LAnalysis and Assessment of Functional Human Movement Lab
OT 5004Psychosocial Foundations of PracticeOT 5004Psychosocial Foundations of Practice
OT 5004LPsychosocial Foundations of Practice LabOT 5004LPsychosocial Foundations of Practice Lab
OT 5014Research Methods in Occupational TherapyOT 5014Research Methods in Occupational Therapy
OT 5000Level IA FieldworkOT 5000Level IA Fieldwork
Term 3
OT 5013Occupations of AdultsOT 5105Occupations of Children and Adolescents
OT 5013LOccupations of Adults LabOT 5105LOccupations of Children and Adolescents Lab
OT 5103Leadership, Health Policy, and ManagementOT 5103Leadership, Health Policy, and Management
OT 5016Master Thesis IOT 5016Master Thesis I
OT 5001Level IB FieldworkOT 5002Level IC Fieldwork
Term 4
OT 5105Occupations of Children and AdolescentsOT 5013Occupations of Adults
OT 5105LOccupations of Children and Adolescents LabOT 5013LOccupations of Adults Lab
OT 5007GerontologyOT 5007Gerontology
OT 5017Master Thesis IIOT 5017Master Thesis II
OT 5020Advanced Occupational Therapy SkillsOT 5020Advanced Occupational Therapy Skills
OT 5002Level IC FieldworkOT 5001Level IB Fieldwork
Term 5
OT 5030Fieldwork Skills ReviewOT 5030Fieldwork Skills Review
OT 5040Level IIA FieldworkOT 5040Level IIA Fieldwork
Term 6
OT 5100Cultural Humility in Occupational TherapyOT 5100Cultural Humility in Occupational Therapy
OT 5101Community Program DevelopmentOT 5101Community Program Development
OT 5200Professional Development & Education in OTOT 5200Professional Development & Education in OT
OT 5050Clinical Reasoning & DocumentationOT 5050Clinical Reasoning & Documentation
Term 7
OT 5041Level IIB FieldworkOT 5041Level IIB Fieldwork
OT 5500Review and Exit ExamOT 5500Review and Exit Exam