MSOT Dismissal Policies
Dismissal may occur for the following reasons:
- The MSOT student accumulates three (3) or more unexcused absences per course.
- The MSOT student fails to complete all required fieldwork weeks.
- The MSOT student fails to successfully remediate a failed course within three attempts. Remediations should occur prior to the beginning of the next term. Course remediations require a passing score on the remediation exam.
- The MSOT student fails to successfully remediate a Level II Fieldwork course or fails more than one (1) Level II Fieldwork course.
- The MSOT student fails the same course twice.
- The MSOT student receives a term grade point average, during the term of academic probation, that is not a minimum of 3.0.
- The MSOT student receives three (3) Unsatisfactory Student Evaluation Process ratings in the program.
- The MSOT student does not complete a minimum of ten (10) hours of community service by the end of the program.
- The MSOT student fails to successfully remediate, or comply with a remediation plan, for a failed Term Exit Exam or Program Exit Examination.