MSN Program Overview

Upon completion of the below requirements, Stanbridge University will confer the Master of Science in Nursing, Nursing Education degree.

Total Credit Hours: 45 Quarter Credit Hours/$433.22 tuition rate per credit hour

Program Duration: The approximate time to complete the program will vary according to the start and end dates of a cohort and ranges from 13-14 months, including holidays and breaks.

This program is only offered in Irvine.

Program Modality: This program is delivered online with the exception to the practicum hours.

Course Number and TitleClock HoursTotal Credit HoursEligible for credit transfer (Yes/No)
NUR 5000 Theoretical Foundations of Advanced Nursing404Yes
NUR 5005 Trends in Contemporary Nursing303Yes
NUR 5015 Health Care Policy, Ethics, and Finance404Yes
NUR 5020 Nursing Research and Scholarship404No
NUR 5140 Advanced Physiology and Health Assessment404No
NUR 5145 Advanced Pathopharmacology404No
NUR 5150 Nurse Educator - Roles, Responsibilities, and Relationships*604No
NUR 5160 Curriculum Design and Teaching Strategies*705No
NUR 5165 Nursing Education Innovations and Technology604No
NUR 5200 Education Teaching Practicum*954No
NUR 5210 Capstone505No

*This course contains practicum hours.

Standard Occupational Classification (SOC): 29-1141
Employment/Job Title: Registered Nurses
Standard Occupational Classification (SOC): 11-9111
Employment/Job Title: Medical and Health Services Managers