AOSVN Program Overview

Upon completion of the following requirements, Stanbridge University will confer the Associate of Occupational Science in Vocational Nursing degree.

1721 Program Hours/106.5 Quarter Credit Hours/$343.75 tuition rate per credit hour

The approximate time to complete the program will vary according to the start and end dates of a cohort and ranges from 17-19 months for full-time, and 26-28 months for part-time, including holidays and university breaks.

This program is offered in Irvine, Alhambra, and Riverside.

Course Number and TitleDidactic HoursLab HoursClinical HoursTotal Credit HoursEligible for Credit Transfer
SCI 1070 Anatomy for Healthcare Clinicians with Lab*40365.5No
ENG 1210 Fundamentals of Healthcare Communication**404No
MATH 1030 Math for Nurses404No
AVN 1001 Medical Terminology**353.5Yes
AVN 1060 Fundamentals of Nursing with Lab*5012011Yes
AVN 1160 Mental Health Nursing I with Lab*20253No
AVN 1230 Advanced Nursing Fundamentals with Lab*50638Yes
AVN 1230C Advanced Nursing Fundamentals Clinical1123.5Yes
AVN 1240 Pharmacology*555.5Yes
AVN 1320 Medical Surgical I with Lab*964010No
AVN 1320C Medical Surgical I Clinical722No
AVN 2075 Mental Health Nursing II with Lab*23263.5No
AVN 2075C Mental Health Nursing II Clinical321No
AVN 1425 Medical Surgical II with Lab*964010No
AVN 1425C Medical Surgical II Clinical1444.5No
AVN 2035 Medical Surgical III with Lab*62.5407No
AVN 2035C Medical Surgical III Clinical963No
AVN 2140 Maternal/Newborn Nursing with Lab*38305No
AVN 2140C Maternal/Newborn Clinical120.5No
AVN 2145 Pediatric Nursing with Lab*38.5305.5No
AVN 2145C Pediatric Nursing Clinical120.5No
AVN 2150 Leadership and Community Nursing*232No
AVN 2150L Leadership Clinical Competency Lab*361.5No
AVN 2150C Leadership and Community Nursing Clinical240.5No
AVN 2160 Capstone and Program Exit242No

Blended course *

Online Course **

Standard Occupational Classification (SOC): 29-2061
Employment/Job Title: Licensed Vocational Nurse