Code of Conduct

Students at Stanbridge University are responsible for regulating their own conduct and for respecting the rights and privileges of others. Students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner compatible with the function of the university as an educational institution.  Students are expected to respect and obey all civil and criminal laws. Failure to show respect for the standards of behavior is cause for disciplinary action.

A student may be disciplined for one or more of the following causes related to university activity or attendance:

  1. The unlawful use, sale, or possession on university property of any controlled substance, or presence on university property under the influence of any controlled substance (including medical marijuana and alcohol).
  2. The unlawful use, sale, or possession of any poison on university property, or presence on university of any poison.
  3. Continued disruptive behavior, continued willful disobedience, habitual profanity or vulgarity, or the open and persistent defiance of the authority of, or persistent abuse of, university personnel.
  4. Assault, battery, bullying, or any threat of force or violence upon a student or university personnel.
  5. Willful misconduct resulting in injury or death to a student or university personnel, or willful misconduct resulting in cutting, defacing, theft, or other injury to any real or personal property owned by the university personnel, or students in attendance at the university.
  6. Willful or persistent smoking in an area where smoking has been prohibited by law or by university policy.
  7. Persistent, serious misconduct where other means of correction have failed to bring about proper conduct.
  8. The forgery, alteration, or misuse of university documents, records, or identification, or knowingly furnishing false information to the university.
  9. Cheating, plagiarizing or any other form of dishonesty in relation to a university course or program.
  10. The unauthorized entry or use of university property.
  11. Disorderly, lewd, indecent, or obscene conduct on university property.
  12. The possession or use of any firearms, explosives, dangerous chemicals, or other potentially harmful implements or substances while on university property or at a university-sponsored function without the prior authorization of the Office of the President.
  13. Rape, sexual assault, or harassment, including, but not limited to, sexual harassment of any student, university personnel or personnel or patients at a clinical facility.
  14. The obstruction or disruption of the university’s educational or administrative process.
  15. Attempting to perform any previously identified act that constitutes a cause for disciplinary action.
  16. Any other cause not previously listed which is identified as good cause by the university administration.

All rules apply to both on-campus and off-site classes, activities, and functions, including clinical education and externships.

Substance Abuse

To assist in achieving a campus free of the problems of substance abuse, the university has adopted policies prohibiting the unlawful manufacture, sale, distribution, possession or use of controlled substances and alcohol, including medical marijuana, on Stanbridge property or at official functions on/off-campus.  Any member or group of the Stanbridge community violating these policies and regulations will be subject to disciplinary action.  In order to enforce this policy Stanbridge University reserves the right to request persons subject to the policy to take fitness for duty tests. Positive results from a fitness for duty test shall be grounds for disciplinary action. Also, the university may perform inspections of persons, personal property, or vehicles located on university property or off-site at official university functions (such as clinical education or externships) in order to assure a drug-free, alcohol-free environment. Failure to agree to a fitness for duty test or inspection will be considered a violation of this policy, and appropriate disciplinary measures will be taken as described above.

Reasonable Suspicion Testing: A student will be asked to take a Fitness for Duty Test after an instance of Reasonable Suspicion has been documented. Such a test is voluntary, but failure to take the test will result in disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal.

Academic Integrity

Stanbridge University upholds a strong commitment to academic excellence, which is grounded in honesty, trust, and respect. The foundation of our academic community relies on the integrity of the work submitted for educational credit. Should a student deviate from the principles of academic integrity, which include various forms of misconduct, appropriate measures will be taken. It is imperative that all members of the academic community maintain the integrity of their work submitted for academic evaluation.

Acts of academic dishonesty include, but are not limited to:


  • Copying from another student’s exam
  • Sharing exam questions with other students during or after an exam
  • Taking an exam for another student, or allowing another student to take the exam for oneself
  • Using unauthorized materials during an assessment
  • Using unauthorized personal electronics during an exam

Dishonest Conduct

  • Falsifying documents or records
  • Knowingly furnishing false or misleading documents or statements to the university.
  • Aiding one or more other students in committing the same or similar acts of academic dishonesty.


  • Misrepresenting someone else’s work as one’s own

Any student found to have committed an act of academic dishonesty may be subject to academic sanctions including, but not limited to:

  • Receive zero credit for the assignment, quiz, or exam;
  • Repeat an assignment, quiz, or exam;
  • Complete an integrity and ethics course; and/or
  • Be placed on conduct probation or suspension.

In the event of repeat academic integrity violations, dismissal from the university may occur. All incidents of academic dishonesty will be documented on a Notice of Deficiency and placed in the student’s permanent academic record.

Any Stanbridge University student who believes that they have been subjected to an improper decision by an academic program, or the Office of Student Services, is entitled to file an appeal and obtain an independent review of the decision.

To submit an appeal, students are required to email the Office of Instruction at Any official documentation that supports the appeal should be included.

Appeal requests must be received by the end of the fifth (5) business day following the rendering of the decision and/or charges against the student. Appeals submitted after the fifth business day will not be accepted.

An Appeal Committee will evaluate the appeal petition and provide an appeal decision to the student, in accordance with the university’s appeals process, within fifteen (15) business days of receipt of the petition. Appeal decisions may take the following actions:

  • Deny the appeal
  • Grant the appeal
  • Grant with appeal with new and/or modification to any sanctions

If a student is dissatisfied with the appeal decision, they may request the Office of the President review the full record and appeal documents by emailing within five (5) business days following the rendering of the decision by the Appeal Committee.

Artificial Intelligence

The use of artificial intelligence (AI) tools, software, or platforms to complete any aspect of coursework is strictly prohibited unless explicit permission is granted. Violations of this policy will be enforced as academic dishonesty incidents and are subject to the same disciplinary sanctions as cheating, dishonest conduct, and plagiarism.

The following uses of AI technologies are considered academic misconduct:

  • Submitting AI-generated content as original work
  • Copying AI-generated content into assessments or assignments
  • Using AI technologies to paraphrase or rewrite content
  • Using AI technologies during quizzes or exams
  • Employing AI technologies to predict or simulate answers
  • Failing to attribute AI-generated content when explicit permission to use AI technologies is granted.



Bullying is defined as the aggressive and hostile acts of an individual or group of individuals who are intended to humiliate, mentally or physically injure, or intimidate, and/or control another individual or group of individuals.

Such aggressive and hostile acts can occur as a single, severe incident or repeated incidents, and may manifest itself in the following forms:

  • Physical Bullying includes pushing, shoving, kicking, poking, and/or tripping another; assaulting or threatening a physical assault; damaging a person’s working or studying space or personal property; and/or damaging or destroying a person’s work or study product.
  • Verbal/Written Bullying includes ridiculing, insulting, or maligning a person, either verbally or in writing; addressing abusive, threatening, derogatory, or offensive remarks to a person; and/or attempting to exploit an individual’s known intellectual or physical vulnerabilities.
  • Nonverbal Bullying includes directing threatening gestures toward a person or invading personal space, after being asked to move or step away.
  • “Cyber Bullying” is defined as bullying an individual using electronic form, including, but not limited to, the Internet, interactive and digital technologies, or mobile phones.
  • Freedom of expression and thought are essential for colleges and universities; however, there are rules of conduct that need to be enforced in light of a college’s mission and goals statements. Bullying does not fit within our organizational values, which include a culture of mutual respect.

Bullying can foster a climate of fear and disrespect, which seriously impairs the physical and psychological health of its victims and creates conditions that negatively affect any learning and working environment. The university is committed to maintaining high standards of behavior for every member of the university community so that all members conduct themselves in a manner that demonstrates proper regard for the rights and welfare of others.  This Anti-Bullying statement therefore, seeks to educate the university community about bullying and to promote civility and respect among all its members, including the administration, faculty, staff, and students.  Bullying is a violation of the Code of Conduct, and may lead to administrative action, up to and including dismissal.